Isidore York’s well known Dow Orchestra will be featured in the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) Event Calendar’s 2021 edition. This was announced today by SHTA and the calendar’s main supporter, International Liquor & Tobacco Trading (ILTT).
Dow’s accomplishments include 28 years of organizing the Ebony Steel Orchestra’s Annual Christmas concert, with orchestra members’ ages ranging from 5 to 70 years. The Ebony Steel Orchestra was formed in 1991. Dow has also dedicated the last 29 years to educating hundreds of students yearly in the art of steel pan music, thus preserving the steel pan culture on St. Maarten. His foundation, Dow’s Musical Foundation was formed with this as his main objective in addition to teaching the art in primary and secondary schools, the foundation provides after school private – and group classes.
In addition to ILTT’s world famous brands Captain Morgan, Smirnoff and Johnnie Walker, SHTA thanks Grant Thornton, Telem Group, the St. Maarten Tourism Bureau and l’Office de Tourisme de Saint-Martin for making the 2021 Event Calendar possible.
As of its inception in 2016, the St. Maarten Events Calendar highlights island culture and its icons. The 2020 edition featured renowned artist Clara Reyes, passing the baton this year to steelpan legend Isidore York and his Mighty Dow Steelpan Orchestra. SHTA calls on the community to support this important foundation preserving St. Maarten culture.
Since the pandemic timeframe asks for adjustments, the calendar will promote special guidelines for events like mask wearing and social distancing and a preliminary warning that all listed events are subject to change as health will remain of the greatest importance.
SHTA and ILTT hope the 2021 calendar serves as a symbol to the community and visitors that Sint Maarten remains a vibrant and dynamic place. The deadline for companies and NGO’s to send in events they are planning for 2021 is December 7th. Suggestions for events can still be sent to before this deadline. St. Maarten residents can reserve a free personal printed version at