Grand Case Beach Club Conference Facilities
Choose from 4 naturally lit, well-equipped spaces with access to private parking. We can host up to 150 persons.
You can count on us to host your next meetings, conferences and events!
Address: 21 Rue De La Petit Plage, Grand Case 97150 St. Martin
T: 590 590 87 51 87
W: www.grandcasebeachclub.com/conference

Funmiles Antilles N.V.
We facilitate an attractive and high quality multi-partner ‘Miles’ savings and redemption program to consumers on Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and St. Maarten, to achieve increased customer loyalty and more customers at relatively lower sales cost for participating companies. We thereby aim at market leadership in terms of market share and customer service.
Address: A.J.C Brouwer rd 23 , P/A Kooyman
T: +1 721 520 3959
E: hseefat@funmiles.net
W: www.funmiles.net

US Laundry
Professional Textile Care for the Hospitality Industry & Hospitals on Sint Maarten. Exclusively having a linen lease proposition where hotels can benefit from high quality linen rental without having to make big investments. We will guarantee sufficient stock at all times.
Address: Cay Bay Road 11, Philipsburg, St. Maarten
T: +1721 544-4169
E: info@us-laundry.com
W: www.us-laundry.com/main