Energy equipment firm Dynaf and energy solutions provider Sol will present options for a greener St. Maarten to NGOs, companies and government officials visiting at the St. Maarten Innovations, Initiatives & Industries Link-Up Event (SMILE) on 25th and 26th of March.
The joint vision to be presented for a greener future of the island is driven by use of amongst other natural resources, as well as a more efficient use of resources in general. This was announced today by the event’s main organizers St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) and 360* of innovation of Aruba.
Dynaf and Sol have embarked on a mutually reinforcing cooperation for some time. Both companies originate from the Caribbean and want to assist in making energy provision to the region cleaner, more self-sufficient and creating more local jobs in the process by doing so. Whereas Dynaf specializes in energy related “hardware” like generators as well as electric cars, Sol is a well-known distributor of fuel for St. Maarten.
The companies have calculated various ways how St. Maarten can be self-reliant in energy production within the near future. Robert-Jan James of Sol sees the “Friendly Island” as a natural regional leader in greener energy. “An energy transition like the one we propose will enhance the wellbeing of St. Maarten. In addition, we are a tourism – dependent island; many tourism consumers see sustainability as an increasingly important feature of their destination of choice. Blessed with abundant availability the sun and seas surrounding us as providers of opportunities for natural resources, I see the use of more sustainable energy sources, now available due to technological developments, as a perfect match with the national motto “Semper Pro Grediens”. The aim is to cooperate closely with GEBE and St. Maarten government to make this transition a success”.
As a first step, Sol is deploying solar panels on its own assets – beginning with the Sol office building located at the Cole Bay depot and extending to the Sol retail stations across St. Maarten. Through a partnership with Dynaf, Sol is also providing solar installation services to commercial buildings through long term leasing arrangements requiring no investment from the building owner.
Dynaf plays a key role in the Caribbean transition to sustainable energy and offers solar solutions since 2010. Regional director Kris Bouwstra of Dynaf: “We think St. Maarten can be a regional frontrunner in what already are global developments. Investments are relatively low, and output high, even apart from the sustainability benefits: in fact, current developments allow St. Maarteners to become energy developers themselves; with still a central role for the central network of GEBE”.
During the SMILE event, Dynaf hardware like solar panels and electrically powered passenger cars will be on display.
The St. Maarten Innovations, Initiatives & Industries Link-Up Event (SMILE) was founded in the wake of hurricane Irma to inspire the Northeastern Caribbean business community with best practices in innovation and sustainability, local and international. As of its first edition in 2018, SMILE has proven a great opportunity for professionals to get (re)connected and obtain new professional updates and ideas and enhance skills.
SMILE will be held on Friday March 25 and Saturday March 26, 2022, at the University of St. Maarten. In cooperation with the Department of Culture, extra attention to this year’s SMILE event will go out to creative entrepreneurs of the region.
Interested people who want to participate at SMILE, both domestic and foreign, can contact the SMILE project office at or call +1-721-542-0108. More information can be found at