Small Hotels Division

[separator headline=”h1″ title=”Small hotels division”] The Small Hotels Division was relaunched on October 7th, 2005. The founding member of the Small Hotels Division, Nadia Gumbs was also invited to sit on the SHTA Board of Directors.

Kenrik Housen, of Carl’s Unique Inn, has taken the position of press contact for the Small Hotels Division and Carter Glass, of Turquoise Shell Inn, chairs the Small Hotels Division Meetings.

As smaller hoteliers often do not have a lot of time to attend the meetings, an Executive Committee was established, which meets every two weeks. Decisions and minutes are then passed on to the General Members.


Some of the projects that the SHTA’s Small Hotels Division has accomplished include:

  • A tour of each other’s properties
  • The development and promotion of the Small Hotels consumer website
  • Attending Annual Regional Tradeshows as an organized group
  • Advertisements in amongst others: WINAIR, American Eagle’s In-flight Magazine ‘Latitudes’.
  • The set up of a face book page. www.facebook/St. Maarten Small Hotels, Inns & Guesthouses.
  • Publishing the Small Hotels Division brochure, which is currently being distributed, with the assistance of the Tourist Office, at the Airport, the Harbor facilities and the AC Wathey Pier as well as at Regional and U.S. Tradeshows.
  • Joint advertising in the Caribbean Beat Magazine and sending a delegation to the Caribbean Habitat Show.
  • The group also organizines a Regional Road show in collaboration with the SHTA and the Tourist Office. The goal behind the road show is to target 10 plus islands within the region, establish contact and generate awareness for the St. Maarten product.

Future plans

Plans for the future include the organization of the first Annual Small Hotels Retreat, with invited speakers from abroad and increased cooperation with properties on the French side of the Island.

More information?

The St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association would like to invite the small properties on the island to learn what the Small Hotels Division is all about. For more information on SHTA’s Small Hotels Division, please call the SHTA office on 542-0108 or send an email to

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